Monday, November 5, 2018

Day 2, Arrival and the Selaron Steps - cultural

At 8:30 am, just a few minuets earlier that scheduled, our plane finally touched down in Rio de janeiro after a long twenty five and a half hours of traveling, twenty three and a half of them spent on a plane. We were all exhausted but luckily we weren't to jet lagged because Rio de janeiro is only three hours ahead of North Carolina. we were scheduled to pick up our car at 9 so Libby and Emma rushed over to the car rental that was luckily at the airport while Zoe, Kalynn and Dawn all when to pick up our bags from baggage claim. After Libby and Emma had the car and made their way over to the pick up area to get the rest of the group and head to our house we had rented. Dawn found a cute little coffe shop called     on the way to our house in      where we picked up 5 iced coffees and a dozen donuts. when we got to the house it was around 11:30, we got in and but our bags in our rooms and all feel asleep on the couch. 

We all woke up around 1 and decided we should go to the world famous Selaron steps in Joaquim Silva and  take some pictures. the steps were renovated by Chilean-born artist  Jorge Selaron in 1990. Jorge Selaron claims them at "my tribute to the Brazilian people". When he started renovation the steps out side his house his neighbors 

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